Onced described as a "Sadistic Misanthrope"

Jun 29, 2006 11:59

I have spent the majority of today chuckling to myself. The reason behind this is that Jordan was in town recewntly, whilst we were enjoying some overly priced flavoured water, he informed me that Sam (You remember Sam don't you?) was now in an abusive relationship!
I have not known such happiness for some time, in fact.
It has brought me hours upon hours of sardonic smiles to think that one of the women primarily responsible for me outright, and basically, hating the female gender as a whole, should be suffering--not only belittlement, and a psychological assault on a regular basis, but be in a borderline physically abusive relationship. I just wish I could be there to enjoy it.

Strangely, I notice that my Mood Indicator doesn't have an option for Sadistic. I shall just pick an appropriate icon.


Where was I?

Oh yeah: Jordan leaving for like, ever, soon. It makes us sad precious. I'll be dressing up as Kintaro for GenCon. Glory, glory to the obscutiry!
It was either that our Count Jinto sun Rock Hyde.
but I dont' wanna do sewing.
Lookin forward to Gencon. Looking forward to blowing stuff up this weekend. Lookingforward to DnD. Josh and Woody's apartment burned down. They moved into a new one. Thats gonna work out reasonably well, I hope. Their cat died, so I'm happy with that also.

I've gotta double check the paper tonight, to make sure those kids that were out past curfew whas I called the police on got in trouble. That also would bring me a great deal of happiness.
Mm....something else...can't place it....doesn't matter I guess.

I remember the other good thing! I got another raise! Woohoo! Makin the bucks now ^_^

What is your d&d alignment?

You are a Malefactor, Neutral Evil.
Neutral evil characters are selfish and without conscience. They will follow whatever path leads them to their goals, whether that is following an organization whose ends suit them or striking out on their own. They are perhaps the most flexible among the evil alignments, able to bend their approach to suit their circumstances. They cannot be trusted to keep their word, to tell the truth, to treat unarmed foes and innocents honorably or to remain loyal to their friends. They will torture and kill as they see fit, sometimes for sheer pleasure. They will not help anyone unless it suits their own purposes or they are offered reward, and anyone relying on a Malefactor for assistance had better be prepared for betrayal. They are highly susceptible to bribes. Morgan le Fay is an example of a neutral evil character.

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