Deja Vu?

Jan 30, 2006 06:54

Marriage. On the one hand, it feels like I've done this before. On the other, I don't think that before was ever like this, so maybe I haven't. The first time, the last time, when it was finally over I swore that I'd never get married ever again. I never knew it could be like this though. I never suspected I would find someone that I loved so much, that I had so much in common with. I didn't think that I could be this happy ever again.

I know that some of you who read this will know what I'm talking about and be happy for us. To you I say thank you. You are all wonderful friends and I wish you all the happiness and success in the world.

There are some of you who will read this and have no idea how I/we/she could be this blind, stupid, insensitive...well, insert your personal flavor of bitterness and lack of understanding here. To you I would say I'm sorry. I have been where you are. I have been cynical, bitter, angry, rejected, is complicated and it doesn't always seem fair. If I could say anything at all to you it would be this...stop trying to be in love. Be yourself and be okay with that. The rest will just happen.

With that all out of the way, I'd like to declare publicly to all the world that I love JewelyaZ more than I thought I would love anyone else ever. I think she is the most amazing, wonderful, loving, caring, interesting person and I can't wait to marry her.

JewelyaZ I LOVE YOU!!!
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