A day in my life- March 20, 2010

Mar 23, 2010 20:00

Done for the community adayinmylife.

Today is Saturday, March 20, 2010, and it's my 19th birthday!

I am in Chicago with my mom, and I'm going to give in to my deepest touristy impulses. Join me as I battle snow and ice, scale the great Sears Willis Tower, explore the Chicago Art Institute, and see the amazing Canadian band Great Big Sea in action.

It's 7:33 a.m. Time to wake up!

...or not.

sajhdjhd hfjhk hdakFHifyouinsist...

I brush my teeth and wash my face...

And turn on the news. Hello world, you are crazy.

Hmm. What should I wear today? Let's check the weather...

Oh. Wonderful. It's snowing. It's cold. It's windy. It's been so nice lately. Of all the days...why today?

Oh well, it's my birthday, and I'm not gonna let it get me down!

It's going to be a great day, I can feel it!

First, I eat breakfast. Our hotel has a great continental breakfast! (But I'm boring, and all I get is cereal and yogurt...)

I eat my cereal dry, but drink milk on the side. :P People usually think that's pretty strange. My dad did it too, so I suppose it's genetic?

Then I go back to my room and open up birthday cards!

Look at the beautiful card my roommate gave me! She's from Tokyo, and loves traditional Japanese culture.

More cards! The preteen-y one far left is from my aunt and uncle. They also gave me a Miley Cyrus wallet. I'm the youngest of all my cousins, so I guess they still picture me as a child. The middle one is from my mom, and the far right one is from Southwest Airlines. I fly them over 15 times a year, so...yeah.

Finally! Time to head out!

We catch a taxi, and head over to the...

SEARS WILLIS TOWER! (Pfft, who seriously calls it the Willis Tower anyway?)

Shit, where'd the top go?

It was raining, sleeting, and snowing. ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I didn't even know that was possible. Oh Chicago, you're always full of surprises.

The plus side is that we didn't have to wait in line at all to go up to the top floor. :D

And I got to go up free because it was my birthday!

Goooin' uuuup! Wheee!

But the downside was, well...

In this picture:
1.) A picture that shows me I am supposed to be seeing.
2.) Impenetrable clouds of doom.

It was totally surreal.

Hey! This isn't scary at all! I don't know what all the fuss is about!

Good thing there was a museum up there. Good thing I like museums.

Speaking of museums, our next destination happened to be...

The Chicago Art Institute.


But, the front entrance is too crowded, so we walk around to the other entrance in the Modern Wing.

"Maybe if I just ignore the snow, it'll go away!"

I pretend I'm on a very sunny tropical island.

But that doesn't change the fact that it's still f**king snowing.

Oh well. I can drown my frustrations in the world of fine art.

"Allegory of War and Peace." One of my favorites in the whole museum. I'm such a sucker for allegories.

Oh look, it's that painting.

And now for something completely different...

A whole exhibit full of paperweights. How cute.

We go up to the modern section, searching for a cafe.

I like the architecture, but modern art's not really my thing.

And...here's "lunch." (By this time it's like 3:00, so...) Vitamin Water + A lemon bar = such a well-balance meal.

Sorry about the lack of time checks thus far. I tried getting pictures of my cellphone clock, but my cellphone didn't comply.


We head back to our hotel...

And find out that our housekeeper didn't clean our room.

I change for the concert

While listening to Great Big Sea. :D

I check my Facebook for birthday messages and talk to my best friend for a while.

And then it's time to go to dinner!

It's still snowing. Bleh...

Hell yeah, House of Blues! The concert isn't for 3 hours, but I'm still superr pumped!

Our lovely dining venue. (Me messing with color filters on my camera-- and failing miserably.:P)

On the menu today, we have:
1.) A chicken sandwich
2.) Yummy mashed potatoes

3.) Chocolate birthday cake!

Oh look, it's my mom. Hi, mom!

Finally, finally, it's time for the concert!

We head up to the music hall on the second floor of the building. I get to stand on the bar level, even though I'm under 21, because my mom needs a place to sit down and they let me stay with her.

The curtain goes up on GREAT BIG SEA.

For those of you unfamiliar with Great Big Sea, first of all FIX THAT RIGHT NOW, and second of all, they're an amazingly talented folk-rock band from Newfoundland.

I've loved them for years, but this is the first time I've been to a concert of theirs.:D

OMG. It's incredible.

Token hilarious Canadian hockey song.

It's over?

Damn, I guess it's over.

Time to head back to the hotel.:(

Birthday wishes at 11:11? (And baby-making? Sounds fun.:/)

WTF am I doing checking homework on my birthday? I'm truly insane.

So I check my fandom instead. Which is probably equally insane.:P

But by now I'm totally exhausted.

So I take a shower

And crash in bed.

Good night everybody!

my ugly face, birthdaaaay, great big sea, real life, i love chicago

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