Aug 20, 2007 00:29

RIP to TC.

TC was the neighbourhood cat. Back when my parents first decided to build in Highbury, the block we ended up buying lay empty for a very long time adjacent to the aquaduct. There was a cat there, obviously a cat that had been abandoned by its previous owners as he was never shy about approaching people, who had claimed the block and aquaduct as his domain. He was probably about 2 years old when we moved in back in 1995. He stalked the mice and kept the block and surrounding area fairly vermin free and flourished - he was a well rounded cat.

After we moved in, TC (for That Cat) made himself at home with the neighbours across the street scoring free meals and a mat to sleep on. He was however no-one's house cat and continued to stalk the aquaduct keeping us safe from the mice. Time went on, the arrangement stayed, and TC started straying back into our block. Mum feeds the magpies a handful of Polish sausage slices each evening at 5pm, and TC decided he wanted his cut and also his due of pats, scratches, attention and love. So a mat was bought for outside our backdoor for TC to have another sleep-spot, and he feasted on Polish sausage.

TC had gotten old, as one tends to do over the course of 12 years. He was very thin, covered in matted fur, a lot slower than he used to be - obviously past his prime. But still he trudged on, no longer supreme mouse hunter but still wanting his cut of food from both us and the neighbours across the road. Just on Wednesday, I hand fed TC thin slices of fried bacon, which he sat up on his back paws for purring his little head off. I scratched his chin and behind his ears, and he settled on his mat for a snooze.

Today my parents broke the news to me: Some busybody down the street, who we don't know, had decided to contact the RSPCA. TC was taken away from the neighbour's house on Friday and put down.

He was old, he was withered, he was coming to his end but Friday was NOT meant to be his end. TC most likely could have continued for another year or two. Possibly another 5 just to surprise and spite us all. TC was meant to stay outdoors and roam his territory, the aquaduct he had stalked the approximate 14 years of his life.

To TC: I will miss you, old cat. You were no-one's pet but everyone's cat. Thank you for the years of mouse hunting, and the hours just sitting in the backyard purring while we patted you.

To person who called the RSPCA: I'm glad I don't know who you are, because I would ring your doorbell and wait for you to answer just so I could slap you. You wouldn't be worth the court fees.

cat, tc

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