Well Fuck.

Feb 15, 2009 16:08

I completely ran out of cash last night, so I went to an ATM this afternoon to restock so I wouldn't be up the creek if something weird happened.

Well something happened.

I put my card into the ATM, put in my pin, asked for money, and waited.  A message popped up on the screen that said the following.
"There has been an issue with your card.  Your card will be retained."


[edit] As an adendum to this four hours later, I have never, in my entire life, been as pissed off at the absurdity of dealing with customer service over the phone.  You've all had to deal with them.  Trust me when I say that it's infinitely worse when you have no access to money, you're 12,000 miles away from friends and family, the phone connection is ungodly expensive and shaky because of the distance, and you only have enough food for about three days.

I'm.  So.  Ungodly.  Pissed.  Off.  And what the Fuck am I going to do for money, food, and rent?!

I have no one to rant to at all, anywhere, that I can contact.  Anywhere.  So I'm reduced to yelling at the internet.  Happy Valentines Day.  Woo, oh day of love.

[edit again later]  Sorry for my mouth, grandparents.  I apologize; it was an extreme circumstance that is no longer, thus I will no longer post in such vulgarities.  Righto!

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