So I'm pretty sure I've discovered why I hardly ever update my LJ.
Because when I come to LJ I check my friendslist, before I update.
......On which is
Whenever I see Nino I go insane and completely forget what I was going to say five seconds prior to that. .________.
And then I don't want to update my journal being fangirly.
Because that annoys some of, if not all of you.
Well I don't really know why I put this behind a cut other than I
I was going to update about how and why I don't like Takuto anymore, not that I ever liked him. (xD I mean I am always bitching about him, ne) But that was before I saw poor ungenki tired unshavededd Nino in Paris and was happyrabu again.
GAH THAT'S ANNOYING. I am a fangirl, which is TOTALLY GHEI because I really don't like fangirls or fangirlism. It's stupid and hazukashii. And it makes me seem stupid, although that might actually be an accurate portrayal so what the hell ever.
Haha, so I didn't even get V-day candy from my mom this year. Holy shit I kick ass.
Apparently this is the reaon I made a cut. Somewhere deep down I know that once I start talking I don't shut up for a longlong time.
Also, Arashi is not a boy band. Ughllezez D<
Suddenly I'm not happyrabu anymore.
Also I am FUCKING TIRED. Because my stalker wanted to give me flowers for yesterday-'s gheiness. Demo he's an idiot and sent them to my friend so she could give them to me for him. So she called me at seven in the morning (which was a good...hour after I fell asleep) to tell me that she has these flowers. And I was so mad I cuoldn't go nainai again. Then I was an emo kid, then I was a fangirl, and now I'm just tired and grumpy. No sleep for me.