Aug 25, 2010 18:02
because that's not vague or anything.
Last night, I went to bed about 15 minutes after my husband did, and he must have been really tired, because he was already passed out. On top of the covers. With the light still on. I crawled into the bed, and kissed him on the head, which barely stirred him. It was really hard to snuggle up to him like I usually do, due to him being on top of the covers. I can't sleep without covers. So I had to just curl up in a ball on my side.
I woke up at about 5 am, having just had a dream that my co-worker at The Rush had allowed 19 kids to sign in, all while I was in the bathroom. This was a problem, see, because the limit is 15. So I went to talk to Jim from The Office about it, because apparently he was my boss. And he responded true to form, just kind of hemming and hawing and make "okay, we'll have to do something about that" noises without actually offering a solution. But all of my co-workers knew that I had talked to him, and they were all furious with me for being a tattletale, even though state laws had been broken.
I woke up and laughed about the fact that Jim Halpert was my boss at The Rush. Lee was still out cold, but he was now under the covers, so I snuggled up to him. Couldn't get back to sleep, so I put on an episode of Gilmore Girls. Finally did go back to sleep, and dreamed that I was at summer camp. The camp was a mix between the camp I went to as a teenager and the camp from Huge. I was a camper, but I was an adult, and I couldn't figure out how that was possible. In the dream, I was questioning how I could be a 28-year-old camper among teenage peers, and I didn't remember how I got there. But I decided to just go with it and hope nobody asked me how old I was.
Then I woke up again to my husband tickling me.
30 day meme