few changes (advance notice)

Jul 07, 2009 11:37

so guys, just wanna let you know, I really had it with the fanpop thing, and I've decided to make changes here at borrowedheavenx! but know that I honestly didn't wanna do this cause I know there are people here who consider and respect the things I've asked in regards to my graphics.

1) Members Cut - I didn't wanna do this really, you can even ask Haylie (lovable_sin) how much I didn't wanna do this but with the things turning out, this is my best option. I appreciate the double-digit members though, I really do cause I honestly didn't expect I will reached that number, so thank you very much.

** there are people I won't even bother cutting cause I know them and/or friends with them. if you were cut, I apologize. I didn't have time to reread through all the comments but you are more than welcome to rejoin! (new joining process info below)

2) Membership/Invites - I will have a post with the elaborated rules on it. You'd have to read through it before joining and comment on that post. I will require a certain phrase before accepting your membership. If you got it right, I will send you an invite for the community, which you will find here: your invites. Membership still will be checked daily.

3) Locked Updates - all future graphic & picspam posts will not be posted public anymore. I usually lock them after a few days (4 days tops) but with these things kept happening I decided to locked the updates altogether.

4) Photobucket Password - I know I just changed it recently, and I just wanna warn you after doing the cut, I will change it again.

** Members cut will happen within this week (either tomorrow or Thursday)

again I should point out I'm doing this because it's necessary, it's the only way I can think of to avoid these in the future. Now I know I probably won't be able to avoid all of these completely, but I can try to protect all my future updates. I thought by having the 'rules' in every update would but some people still chose to ignore them. And honestly, if I didn't love making graphics and if it weren't for those people who did nothing but appreciate my works I would consider closing this community entirely, but I won't because I've met a number of good people through borrowedheavenx, and I wouldn't let these ruin that (even though, honestly, these take all the fun of graphic-sharing *sigh*).

EDIT - I'm gonna do the members cut tomorrow! if you comment me the access phrase in this post: http://community.livejournal.com/borrowedheavenx/48245.html?mode=reply I wouldn't bother cutting you as well!

ps: thanks for the understanding & support you guys! I appreciate it very much!

!mod post: tidbits

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