okei so as I expected my bandwidth's gone for the rest of the month *sigh* if you browse back through my stuffs, everything I posted is currently unavailable (except for the icons, the last two batch of picspam and the requested graphics in the pick-up thread). The only other things that are available are the graphic repost I made when I close my graphic site.
I thought about changing all the links cause I honestly don't like seeing those "bandwidth exceeded" icons/banners, and I started to you know, uploading them that's why I still have my Dempeo & Mer/Alex picspam available. BUT I figured if I was to changed everything I might have to go way back to the first entries, and that is way too much work. So I might as well just suffer seeing those "bandwidth exceeded" icons/banners for a week or two. Also, honestly I don't have the time or energy to go through all those past entries. (sorry that was bitter, I didn't mean to be bitter, I just *shrug*)
but you can still access 'em through my other photobucket album, the one I created since I closed my graphic site.
:: Albums -
proceed (still password protected)
and oh, I think I might have to hold of the new graphics, I don't have that much anyway. so yeah...
later you guys! xx