New York was awesome. I will definitely live there if I cannot live in Kyiv.
Also, Rosieface was not at school today which made me sad because I had no one to talk to or to Colonel with.
I love Kandinsky. I feel kind of like a poser when I say that because I did that report on him in art class last year and I did not devote any time to it so it was kind of like whatever and I didn't really appreciate him then. But now.... he is definitely one of my favorite painters.
Favorite painters: Degas, Hopper, Kandinsky, Bilokur, Van Gogh. There are others I am sure, but at the moment I don't feel like remebering anything. Top three (in no order): Hopper, Kandinsky, Bilokur.
Examples of their works:
the cliche Van Gogh painting
Other favorite paintings: