(no subject)

Sep 04, 2004 09:31

So last night I definitely spent fifteen dollars on watching just two bands & then watching a big bald guy with a tattoo of an X under his eye, who was about thirty, beat the shit out of Pierce.
It was horrible.

It all started because everyone was fucking up the place & then they started to tear down the celing lights. Pierce tried to clean it up a bit, then the courage crew guy started saying stuff so Pierce either flicked him off or said "fuck off".
The old courage crew guy got him on the ground & started punching his head & would not stop.
Pierce is really skinny & this guy was huge. When Pierce tried to get away, courage crew man pulled his collar back & started punching his head again.
It made me sick.
Oh, & the band that was playing (xtyrantx) was apparently part of the courage crew, so when this fight went on, the guy came up with the mic & was just like, egging it on.
I wanted to say something to courage crew man but everyone told me not to because they would still hit me, even though I'm a girl.

Jenny & I were talking about it outside & some courage crew guy came up to me & was like, "Don't be mad."

We found out what hospital he went to, so about thirty of us went up there.
A cop came & interviewed some people.

Seriously, I'm still disgusted just thinking about it.
I like how all of these people, not from Toledo, come in to our city & think they own it.
That pissed all of us off.

Some of us at the hospital didn't want to go back & support that shit, so we didn't go.
Thank god because apparently cops came & arrested underaged kids.
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