Things and Stuff for November 6, 2010

Nov 07, 2010 13:10

What we gonna do right here is go back... way back... back into time... Oh, wait, we already did that.
Welcome to eastern standard time, home of several people. For your reward, you get a shiny new Things and Stuff archive. I enjoyed it. Maybe you will as well.
Here's some of what it has to offer:
  • The first traditional call from Derek introduces the iWork app, a workaround for the bug in iOS 4.1 that breaks alarms after a shift to or from daylight saving time.
  • I was very successful at confusing Venison, and apparently various other people, with an announcement on Twitter just before the show. Got him all angry and stuff...
  • "How was your week?" Mine was fun, spent with Melanie, doing interesting things. As a result, I have more toilets, and some sounds from a Motorola Droid.
  • I loaded the "droid" sound into my keyboard, which made Byron call in to do bad things with his Droid, talk about weird apps, and other random stuff.
  • Let's play a song I made with "droid," followed by another random thing simply entitled Colorado. Yeah, I was bored. What else is new?
  • Propetuum Jazzile, an A Capella group, thinks singing songs about Africa and simulating storms with their hands and various objects on stage is a good idea. Sure, why not? They're good at it.
  • As usual, something from Things and Stuff's past comes up, followed by a call from a long forgotten person who seems to show up once a year... sometimes.
  • The rest of the show is formed by a chain of phone calls from people that do bad stuff, making me end the show about 6 minutes later than normal.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, 20o10 will have seven more Things and Stuffs in it. Hopefully, they'll all be at least as interesting to me, and hopefully you, as this one was. If not, oh well. Too bad.

things and stuff

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