Things and Stuff for June 19, 2010

Jun 20, 2010 04:51

FINALLY! This is the only word I can come up with to describe the feeling I have for the fact that the week ending June 19, 2010, is finally over. What a stupid bunch of crap!
Speaking of stupid bunches of crap, this week's Things and Stuff is now available for download.

New features in this version:

  • No, this really isn't the karaoke machine show. I promise. It may, however, seem that way at first.
  • After the traditional first call from Derek, in which several standard things are discussed, Josh shows up with a new phone. Does it sound better than his previous one? Well... no. Sorry, I took away the suspense. Let's talk about radio things, files that get lost, anniversaries, babies, and all sorts of good stuff. Fun with effects processors during this call, just so I would be seen as "doing something" by all zero people watching me from outside the control room.
  • Apparently, blaming the weather man for your bad week will result in a severe thunderstorm warning... or will it?
  • Monty calls in to report a possible distraction, talk about the up-coming convention we'll be attending in Phoenix, and other bad things. I bring up the fact that I have just installed a 32GB OCZ solid-state disk in my netbook, a "my first little SSD" if you will. More on all that in a later post.
  • All sorts of bad things are happening in Venison's neighborhood, which may or may not involve people he knows personally, including old people partying like there's no tomorrow. Oh, wait...
  • Jonathan calls in to talk about Kurzweil keyboards in particular, and keyboards in general.
  • Thanks to Derek, we have a bit of fun with a loop that simply goes "Oh deer! I broke it again!" Effects processors never get old.
  • The Mommy call sparks talk of the Harry Potter movies vs. the books.
  • June 19, 2010 marked the fifth anniversary of a certain bit played on TBRN involving a drunk Swedish school teacher, which, of course, was revisited for the amusement of some.
  • Buttons and knobs, again?
  • A very unusually late call from Bryan, way past his bedtime.
  • Conspiracies contrived by people who aren't evil; can this phenomenon actually exist?
And, folks, that's it for this week. Enjoy, or don't. It's your prerogative. We're not going to force you.

things and stuff

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