Mar 12, 2011 11:04
Physics---The bible contains the first recorded statement of the Earth being suspended in space while revolving around the sun. Until then, pretty much every culture took the position that the Earth was being held up by someone or something. The Greeks spoke of Atlas, the Indians had an elaborate idea of one animal holding another holding another holding the planet. And most cultures believed the sun moved around the Earth. In the ancient world, the Jews were the first to get it right. By the time the Greeks figured it out, the Israelites had already known it for centuries. Some think the Jews were the ones who taught the Greeks.
Biology---The order of creation listed in Genesis is very similar to the order in which scientists say life evolved. First, the planet was lifeless, then plant life was formed, then ocean creatures and birds, then the land based animals appeared. Finally, mankind came on the scene. The only real disagreements are over the length of time it took and the method by which it happened.
Medical---The Jews were the first people to use clean running water to treat sick people and to avoid disease transmission. The Egyptians believed rubbing animal feces on a sick person would cure them. The Jews were the first to use quarantines to prevent the spread of disease, jumping them way ahead of the rest of the planet in medical matters. They circumcised their sons on the eigth day. That is the one day in a newborn boy's life when his body's production of vitamin K is at its highest level. Vitamin K is used by the body to aid in blood clotting, making it easy to overcome the effect of being cut. They did this thousands of years before anyone knew what vitamin K was.
Agriculture---The Jews were the first to allow farm land to lay fallow for a year to allow nature to replenish the nutrients in the ground. As a result, they got more from six years of farming than other people got from seven.
Economics---With their "year of Jubilee", the Jews had a system to prevent the burden of debt from taking over their economy. As a result, they created the most prosperous society per capita the world had ever seen. Learned men from Persia and India traveled to Israel to find out how they did it.
Archaeology---The Bible has proven to be consistently correct in providing the location of ancient cities. For over a century, Archaeologists claimed the city of Ur didn't exist, meaning the Bible was wrong. Then a kid stumbled on a rock in the desert that turned out to be the top of a building in Ur, located exactly where the Bible said it was.
Mythology---The story of Jonah and the big fish was thought by scientists to be a myth until the 1890s when a fishing boat was capsized and one of the crew was swallowed up by a large fish in full view of his crewmates. There was a funeral and a write up in the local paper. Then the guy washed ashore miles away from his hometown. Nearly dead, he was rescued and told of how he was in the fish for a long time, then he was spit out within sight of land.
General---There has never been one single instance of a scientist proving the Bible wrong on anything. There have, however, been numerous instances of the Bible being ahead of the curve in getting it right. The first modern doctor to require everything be cleaned with hot water to kill off disease got his idea from the Bible. He was laughed at until the death rate of his patients dropped dramatically, then it became common practice. Archaeologists who use the Bible as a guide instead of trying to disprove it are able to come up with finds that make their careers. So the question arises, how did a group of people living thousands of years ago in a world full of misconceptions get so many things right? Could it be that they had inside information?