(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 22:38

10 things you didn't need to know
1) I read books too much
2) I suck at basketball
3) my middle name is Christopher
4) I am a nerd ;)
5) I hate learning Chinese
6) I hate playing violin
7) I am annoyed by vegitarians ;) jk
8) when I was little I wore short shorts lol
9) I am pathetic when it comes to girls lol
10) my fav movie is LotR

9 Faraway places I have traveled to:
1) England
2) Wales
3) Scotland
4) Canada lol
5) umm Maine?
6) Vermont?
7) Florida?
8) Opposite side of canada
9) Maryland ;)

8 Things to do before I die:
1) Finally have a girl who is obtainable like me lol
2) Have a family and kids
3) Make lots of money ;)
4) Own large house
5) have all friend move into guest houses on the property of my house ;)
6) Live somewhere other than PA
7) Live in New York for a bit
8) Meet a certain girl

7 Ways to get straight to my <3:
1) Be nice to me :)
2) be funny
3) being attractive always helps but isn't needed :)
4) like me for who I am not who I pretend to be
5) laugh at my jokes even when they aren't funny jk don't do that
6) can't think of any more

6 Things I firmly put my faith in:
1) Family
2) Friends
3) Love

5 Fears:
1) Never finding and marrying that special someone
2) being rejected by girls alllll my life lol
3) dying

4 Bedroom Favorites:
1) Bed
2) Computer
3) Stereo
4) My trophys lol

3 Things I do everyday:
1) Shower
2) Talk to friends
3) Eat food

2 Things I'm trying to avoid right now:
1) getting people pissed at me
2) yeah thats about it

who would you love to see right now:
1) That same girl
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