Alone in the watchtower, watching the moonset

Jan 09, 2003 11:01

The warrior reads a mysterious parchment, which he has kept hidden from the others.

Fury burns behind his grey eyes, but also resolve. He knows what he must do. For the sake of his daughter, his brother-- for all of his family. The curse must end, once and for all.

He pulls out a quill and ink from the jumble on someone's writing table-- puzzling briefly over how there can even be a writing table in Edoras-- and spends the final hours before dawn penning a long letter.

He ponders the difficult decision of whether or not to talk to Eomer and Faramir about where he is going, but finally decides against it. He knows that they would insist on going with him, and that this is a quest that he must face alone. It must end. He cannot allow his family to suffer under this curse any longer. Either he will take her, or she will... take him. He suffers even more about the promise he had made to his daughter upon returning "No more quests, no more journeys." But what is he to do? He can only hope that she will forgive him for putting himself in this peril. It is her life he seeks to protect, and must.

His sword and dagger lie ready. When the time comes he will kiss his daughter farewell and ride off to the appointed place. Somehow he knew it would come to this. The Spider Bitch does not curse in vain. He laughs bitterly.

When he finishes the missive, he seals it in an envelope along with the parchment that was sent to him, and places it where he know it will be found, though not immediately.
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