Jun 13, 2013 16:26
Написал обзор на амазоне на книжку "Не отпускайте своих детей" - Hold on to your kids. Книжка скорей разочаровала. Кладу сюда, чтобы не забыть.
Some nice ideas and a mountain of unneeded text. No structure at all. Basically, the first 60% is about the nightmares of peer orientation. It' quite clear that peer orientation is not too good after first 5 pages, but authors go and go about it, they just can't stop! And not a word about solutions, before you get to part 4. And even there - just some vague advices, almost nothing specific. Okay, some ideas are valuable, and even very useful and important, but they all can fit to 3 pages, why do I have to read 500?
Also the mourning of "traditional society" I find quite stupid. Traditional society means not only nice grandparents, hugging their children, but high child mortality and constant beatings and a lot of psychological problems and incredible suicide rates. I'm not sure that peer-orientation problems are really worse than that.
And at the end of the book I find myself with a couple of important ideas and very few specific advices almost impossible to fulfill in modern society circumstances (that is, when parents live in big cities and not in Provence, and both work). And also I can't share this book with anyone, because it's quite strange to say: "here's a wonderful book, but don't read first 60%, and basically read just the excerpt of 15 pages".
And just to think of it: the author is a practitioning therapist, how many specific cases and advices could he include in the book! But it has almost none.
And still, the basic ideas are good and important, but it would be great if somebody had just rewritten it in a more structured and specific way.