'Love is...' (something to do with DNA?)

Jun 04, 2003 22:04

I have just had a rather interesting, amusing and in some ways infuriating conversation with someone i foolishly believed to be intelligent and opened minded. I am very disappointed in myself. But isnt it frustrating when trying to argue a point with a person who clearly has no arguement or support for there claims? I have enough problems with narrowminded little clones on the street yelling insults and asking questions such as
Q:'What the fuck are you wearing?' A:'Clothes'
Q:'Do you know what you look like?' A:'Yes thankyou'
Q:'Why the hell are you dressed like that?' Q/A: 'Why not?'

I find it astonishing how people have a set of rules for the world that they expect us to follow and can profess to somehow know the truth about the world with no evidence to back-up there claims.
Firtly I'd like to know where you found this mystical and incredible knowledge and truth about those things that have mystified man throughout existance.
That knowledge that is so openly preached by the religions of the world (and now by my friend) 'We have the answer' 'We worship the one true god' 'What we preach is truth' etc..
And i ask... How do you know?
To which i imagine the answer is...
'well we have this book/writting..'
'And tell me, who wrote this book?'
'erm...Men who lived years after the events written'
'Ah... so more a theory than a greater knowledge really?!'
(In the case of my friend the answer given is 'Because its the truth' Well congratulations, he must be their almighty God himself to have that kind of knowledge! but we'll talk more about this later.)

Now dont get me wrong i have no problem with theories or infact beliefs. People are very welcome to their own ideas and although in places the bible is most hypercritical it shows some very interesting ideas about the existance of a god and creation of the earth, note the word Ideas. Ideas that may prove true or otherwise but untill that point are simply ideas born out of natural curiousity.

I myself believe that that knowledge is simply beyond us as human beings... but then thats just another IDEA! You see where i'm going with this?

It bothers me, however, when people begin to Preach Greater Knowledge and truth without any possible evidence. Not only does it really tick me off and make the preacher seem incredibly narrow-minded but this is where the problems begins. No war ever began with two sides stating:
'I believe this but i'm not sure'
'Well i beleive this but i cant be sure either'
No. not to my knowledge anyhow. Conflict is started when two sides are so damn sure they are right, with nothing to support there claim but a gun.
This can be summed up as:
'I have the truth, you disagree so i will kill you to defend its title!' I think i'd really rather stick to my ideas. Thankyou very much. I am not so prententious to believe i can understand the mysteries of the universe and frankly i wouldn't want to if i could.

But i digress, the purpose of this entry is to note the outrageous assumptions of my self-appointed intellectually superior friend...
Allow me to explain..
While talking with this person the matter of love is brought up.. and i am told quite matter-of-factly:
'there is no such thing as love, it's only the DNA playing a trick to reproduce itself'
Really? Well thats interesting. I always believed my DNA simply carried my genetic information/make-up but obviously you know better, since he then insists
'Its true' Not that he seems to have any source for this truth... he just 'knows' well do forgive me, i must contact my science teacher and tell him he had it all wrong. What it really does is make me love someone purely to have babies!

The fact that this is his own un-supported theory does not seem to discourage him and my beliefs are brushed aside not by fact or arguement but by his insistance that what he says is simply true and so i must be wrong. I accuse of him of being narrow-minded..
'my mind is fully open to the truth' I'd like to point out to him that this is a clear contridiction in terms.. being open minded means being able to explore other ways of looking at something. Not creating your own idea of truth and not allowing yourself to think past that particular idea.

Anyhow... here is my arguement for the existance for love as a real emotion/feeling and not just a trick for reproduction:

Firstly i am IN love, its an amazing feeling but does not revolve around either Sex or reproduction. I dont want, nor do i feel i will ever want children also i know that Love could exist within me without Sex. If need be i would live my life without Sex but still continue to be in love. The fact that there is Sex in my relationship is simply through choice.
In response to the arguement that:
'when 2 people love each other ~ they have babys ( some sooner than other ) its just a matter of time'
Well i personally cannot disprove this since i'm only 20 years old and it is quite possible, tho not probable, that i will have children, but the people i have known in my life that are now at the age where they can no-longer physically carry a child, have no current children and yet are still deeply in love seem to prove it rather well. Also how about those people who fall in love and yet are unable to have children? How about people who fall in love with a person of the same sex? Are they only doing it to reproduce? I would have to strongly disagree!

The only reponse i recieved to this arguement was:
'its because there DNA is screwed up'
Oh of course. Thats so unbeleivably insulting and yet he continues to make outrageous assumtions
'its nothing but the truth'
He's obviously been eating knowledge oats for breakfast and now knows more than any man (and i use man as a general term for Mankind) on this earth.

Here's is my arguement against the DNA theory:
DNA effects solely the genetic make-up.Its is by dictionary definition ' A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell' This genetic imformation effects things such as eye colour, skin colour etc... It doesnt run around your brain and sexual organs telling you to have intense feelings for a person in order to have sex and ultimately reproduce.
Interesting theory, but not one i expect to have much of a following.

He then goes on to claim his certainty of the nonexistence god!! A thing mankind has speculated about and argued over for centuries, something that has caused war and hate throughout the world... but STOP PRESS. He has the answer, well 2 answers... firstly 'God is dead' then 'there is no such thing.' So pack up your holy books, the lad from essex has spoken..

... and just when i thought this was the end to his madness he states 'there is nothing to know we live, we die and thats it. Live and die thats all that has happen for millions of years'
How does this disprove the existance of God you may ask? 'because i will dead soon and i could not care what happens after that' AH! So since he lacks the fear of Death, there must be no god, no afterlife, nothing. How could i be so blind???
Also his statement suggests he has both died to see if there is anything beyond that and been around for millions of years to prove that thats all that ever happened? otherwise how could he know such a thing? put simply.
He doesnt.
I can accept all he says as theories albeit particularly ridiculous ones, but trying to tell me he knows is just ludicrous! I'm not saying he isnt right, i dont profess to know. And there's my point, neither does he. Its an opinion, a belief, an idea, a theory.. not a fact and he needs to realise the distinction. The world needs to realise the distinction.
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