Why USA loving-incestous-religious fanatics need a life.

Jan 12, 2007 18:54

From a Jesus raping-incestious hick:
"hello i saw your post on the mystate of the union,
i think your a fucking idiot,you cant say anything because you dont know anything, get off your ass and get a brain, i wouldent even type to you because im not sure if you can read but the comment was just so fucking retarted, btw read the bible, maybe you might just learn something other then how to be a whore.

just the facts"

I responded back with "I know that you ARE an idiot for wasting your time on an "idiot" Just the facts :)"

My original comment that the hick felt offended by was one I added to a Myspace page called "MyState" where you are supposedly "free" to add your 2 cents in. Apparently this conformist begs to differ. It went something like this:

"There's just too many things wrong with this country to list here so I'm just gonna say I'm ashamed of being American".(Like I said I don't like being specific, I just like to add in my 2 cents unless someone decides to POLITELY ask why I think so)

But on the side, I decided to blog this because it seems like a topic I'd eventually end up blogging about anyway. I'm usually not the type to waste much time blogging but I guess this is a special occassion.

I'm so hurt, I really am. I've been offended by white trash. Maybe I should read the bible and sleep with my cousins maybe then he'll think I'm cool. I can read just fine and this is coming from someone who types "your" and "wouldent", but let's not get to that. I'm an idiot? I have an open mind, unlike you religious freaks who have your minds closed like a fat bitch's legs. I looked at the kid's myspace page and to my surprise (sarcasm) he's white trash from North Carolina! To add on to the stereotypes he was ugly, too; Just goes to show you that imbreeding has done it again. He sure must be happy (and lucky) to even be alive today, you know with the President trying to ban abortion and all. He must be grateful his parents didn't have the heart to abort him. Must be pretty fucked up to have your mom be your aunt, too. I guess President George Walker Bush wants more retards to execute, that sadistic bastard. Hasn't he done enough already in the Middle East? I hope that inbred Jesus rapist is ready for the reinstatement of the draft. ;)

(Aftermath of incest)

Those USA loving religious fanatics need to realize that George W. Bush IS the Anti-Christ. No matter what they do about that war it won't and can't change the effects it made on this country economically. The damage he has done will take YEARS to fix (If we're still alive by then). Its a shame that so many people died to make this country so great only to have it fall right before our eyes hundreds of years later. But just like the once great Roman Empire and Babylon, all great nations must fall eventually. Now seems like the time.

america sucks, religious freaks

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