OOC: About the Mun (idea stolen from Brodie)

Nov 16, 2010 11:16

In case anyone was interested... :/

Real name: Something exceptionally long in Chinese
Online name: Lome
What the hell does "Lome" mean? I'm a huge Lord of the Rings geek. "Lome" is short of "Lomelindi", which is the Elvish word for 'nightingale'. (I actually never meant for it to be shortened, but online friends always default to calling me Lome so ( Read more... )


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ketchupkaper November 21 2010, 23:23:02 UTC
China? Jersey? Fine arts dabbler? TWIN. D8

I lived in China for a while and have plans to return there for work. All my family is from Jersey and I'm currently there now. I just graduated college with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts. And man, I used to RP Egypt all over the place like whoa. I love 'im. Let's be friends. :V

Wow, it looks like you've lived all over the place. How on earth did you wind up in Jersey? And out of curiosity, what part? I'm Atlantic City, myself. Just for now. And hey, if you've lived all over the world, how many languages do you speak? What was your favorite place?


bornofisis November 22 2010, 01:06:01 UTC
Very cool! Sounds like a plan! :D I'm actually in Princeton, if you know where that is lol. (It's surprising how many people don't... ^^;) How long did you live in China? That's impressive. Beijing, I'm guessing? O.o

Oh man, I hope you don't hate my Egypt. ;3; There's not much canon on him so I'm just making things up as I go.

We ended up in Jersey 'cause Dad's a chemist and Jersey is Land of the Pharmaceutical Companies. XDDD; I can speak Mandarin (am learning how to write it... again... *sob*), a dialect of Mandarin and obviously English. I can read more French than I can speak, but that's mainly 'cause I took it for 7 years in school rather than 'cause I lived in Switzerland ('cause I was really young when that happened lol).


bornofisis November 22 2010, 01:08:55 UTC
Also, thanks! :) I love traveling, I think it really makes someone more open-minded and understanding of other cultures. (More people need to travel, I think we'd have more world peace that way. ;3;) My favorite place is actually Australia, hahaha. I spent the best month of my life there. XD My second favorite is Germany. I would say that China is also a fave but the grass is always greener elsewhere, you know? XD


ketchupkaper November 22 2010, 10:01:51 UTC
Haha, I get that. Ah, Princeton..so you're in central. Are you actually going there? Great job man. : O

Ah, I just got back from living a semester in Hong Kong. It wasn't crowded where I was staying because it was a really nice apartment out in the new territories. I missit and can wait to go back. ;3;

Haha, don't worry. I love your Egypt. He's a lot like how I would've played him. Highfives.

Yeah, I've only been to Macau, Mainland China, and Hong Kong. (I was going to go to Taiwan, Thailand, and Cambodia while I was over there but plans fell through because of work.)


bornofisis November 23 2010, 16:07:43 UTC
Nope, I went to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, haha. But I am pretty involved in Princeton Uni., I go there all the time for ballroom and dance gatherings. :)

Hong Kong is my FAVORITE. Beijing is too crazy and too political for me, but Hong Kong and Shanghai are just... loooovely (and very international! I kind of stand out in mainland China because I'm so Westernized. ^^;). Anyways, oh man, I've only been to Hong Kong once but I fell in love with it! Although my next place to visit within China is hopefully Tibet... Although I don't have any solid plans yet. XD


ketchupkaper November 23 2010, 16:30:23 UTC
ROAD TRIP! :V *high fives*


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