OOC: About the Mun (idea stolen from Brodie)

Nov 16, 2010 11:16

In case anyone was interested... :/

Real name: Something exceptionally long in Chinese
Online name: Lome
What the hell does "Lome" mean? I'm a huge Lord of the Rings geek. "Lome" is short of "Lomelindi", which is the Elvish word for 'nightingale'. (I actually never meant for it to be shortened, but online friends always default to calling me Lome so ( Read more... )


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bornofisis November 16 2010, 18:12:01 UTC
YESSSSSSSS. 8D I went through a phase in high school where I tried to learn Sindarin. I kind of failed, but a lot of my emails/screennames are all in Elvish. xD

Actually I think the female thing is just something weird in my family, haha. It came from my grandma though, and she had a lot more daughters than sons, so maybe it's just chance that the guys didn't get it.

Hmmm, I've actually looked up this phenomenon. The science community acknowledges that a huge number of people claims that they feel pain before a storm comes (it's very accepted in Asian cultures, and there are mentions of old people all around the world saying that 'they can feel a storm coming in their bones') but they haven't found an exactly answer for why it happens. The joint fluid theory is the most probable and makes more sense than the other ones, so I just cite that one. XD We got a tropical storm up in New Jersey when I was around 15 and I remember being in tears on the sofa because my knees hurt so badly. :(


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bornofisis November 16 2010, 18:33:36 UTC
Hahahaha awesome. :DDD I have the Hobbit and the Triology, and I've read the Silmarillion as well (oh god, that killed my brain. @_@; Elven names are a pain to remember, especially if everyone in the family is named like this --Finarfin, Fingolfin, etc.)

Oh man, lucky. :/ Diabetes runs on both sides of my family (more so on my mom's, thankfully), and my mom's already pre-diabetic despite being pretty skinny. ;3; We have heart disease and cancer too, but that's just on my mom's side so I have a 50/50 chance.

I'm FASCINATED by storms. I think they're beautiful... from a distance, haha. The Weather Channel special on storms like hurricanes and tornadoes always make me geek out. Whoa, you live in a place with more tornadoes than tornado alley? O.o Where... would that be? Hahaha. I was in Indiana, which is why I developed a very healthy fear of giant storm clouds and green skies. ^^;


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bornofisis November 16 2010, 18:49:49 UTC
xD; I haven't done it either. I think I only got through 1 1/2 movies before my eyes started to hurt and I got hungry.

Sometimes diabetes can be from lifestyle? Idk. :/ I thought my grandpa was a fluke when he got it because he had a really bad lifestyle, but then my mom, my aunt and one of my cousins got it and I was like "efffffff. D:"

LOL Be glad they're small tornadoes and not the massive 2 km-wide ones we get over in Tornado Alley. xD

We do count them, but I think only out of curiosity to see how far away they are. No one really likes them though; I HATE thunder and lightening. XD Old childhood thing that never died away. I like rain, but everything else (winds, lightening, etc.) freaks me out.


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bornofisis November 16 2010, 21:49:55 UTC
So lucky. :( Luckily I have a pretty strong immune system so I don't get sick either, but I do have a stuffed nose for every winter that lasts until spring. @_@; It's a pain in the butt.

...O.o; Really? I find it really weird that the media wouldn't report on tornadoes, especially if they ARE in a big city. We still get reports on tornadoes in Tornado Alley, even though we live in a totally different part of the country... How do the tornadoes avoid damaging anything? O.o Are they all F0 tornadoes or something? Strangely, that's kind of cute. Baby tornadoes. XD

Phhht that's a good attitude. :) Too many of my friends from England are depressed by the rain. I probably would be too, but I think everyone likes the sun once in a while. ^^; My college town was also always snowing/cloudy, and that was depressing for four years. :(


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