Apr 08, 2010 01:47
[Raven is sleeping, as the good little boys and girls in the mansion should be.
Unfortunately for her, it is not going to be a restful slumber. For just before bed, she set the Easter egg (lol irony for a half-demon to get, no?) that she received on her nightstand. Shhh, she doesn't let America know she appreciates the gesture. Anyway, this seemingly meaningless gesture has let her feel a bit of America's spirit.
And that's why the trouble will begin.
A clock strikes. She gasps. A mirror shatters. Is it hers? The one from Azarath? She can't tell. And....America. He's reaching out for her. Is he in pain? She seems to be watching, but is it really her? She didn't...she didn't do this, did she?! He's not...he can't be dying, can he?
He's clutching his chest...mouthing something...that looks an awful lot like blood pooling on the ground...
Not again. There's fear in her chest and she grips to it as she sits upright in bed, shouting.]
[She pants, then grabs the communication device. Making a face, she sees it turned on and had been recording. From what point she doesn't know, but she clicks off the video.]
[Private - Text to England.]
I need to speak with you. It's regarding America.
[Private - Text to Beast Boy.]
Beast Boy. I...I need your help.
raven's wangsty,
america's an idiot,
england seems like the only smart nation,
raven's always cranky,
shut up beast boy