Apr 17, 2005 19:08
Well, in the spirit of the marathon, I thought I'd go for a short run this morning. Nothing silly - just a light jog around our area, a couple of laps I can do every day to burn my flab.
Conclusion: I am a big fat unfit blob. Either that or I haven't fully recovered from the virus yet. My lungs *burned* after three-quarters of a mile. Now I quite like that second excuse, but I'm afraid there is a fair bit of the former in there too; clearly all the cycling I'm doing at the gym hasn't helped my running stamina (Is it even a different kind?).
So more running for me I guess! *shudder*
On the up side I met up with a friend and her mum, had a very civilised lunch and walked into town, past real athletes doing an actual marathon. Which included a disconcerting number of very old/young people who had obviously managed a somewhat greater distance than three quarters of a mile!
Still, London in the sun is a nice thing and we sat down on the grass near Embankment, which was rather more enjoyable than running. Unsurprisingly.