
Apr 14, 2005 08:10

i'm sooooooo tired, my mom's picking me up early today from school, around 2:30. i strongly dislike willie at the moment. he's treating me like dirt. he was trying to have a conversation with andrea, and i was kicking his feet to say hi. i wasn't trying to be rude, but the fact is, i was, and he knew it and blew up at me. i was having an intense break down for: lost friends, perfomance jitters, and homework crap. so i went to try and ask willie what was wrong, and he said all the things that are wrong with me. (as we all know, that doesn't feel good). therone walked over to say hi, i was practically in tears at this point. i started to cry as i walked to pick up my things and leave, i didn't want to face willie in busch's room, who would? therone said," what'd you do this time wilma?" (that's willie's nickname). i pick up my stuff trying not to cry, do a pretty good job of it too. i looked over at willie and totally came apart. i through my stuff to the ground and put my face cadled up on the counter, sitting on busch's stool. busch asked," pre perfomance jitters syndrome?" and i said,"no," as if it was the most retarded thing for him to think. then i added," it's post loss of friends syndrome" and i walked off with all my stuff and went and cried to nikki. she said she was too much of a goody goody and had to go to class. she gave me a hug and left. i was trying not to cry looking around the hall for someone to comfort me, but when i noticed lagsding *lagsdin* wasn't in the room, i just went to class. i was blotchy and sorta crying for the first part of class, so i held my core notebook over my eyes, as if i was reading. lagsdin came in and started talking, she said," katie, do you need to have that up?" i said,"i just reading things through." i totally wasn't though. then at ballet, i was practicing peruettes (i know that's not how they're spelled, but they're the turns on one foot that don't travel.) and i landed a tripple perfectly! and i was in point shoes on my bad foot. that made my day!
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