Jan 02, 2011 10:36
Oz ... okay, I honestly don't know, he might go back home to see Alice, but Ada is here so ... debatable!
Dean is taking Ganymede back to SPN world to check up on Bobby and Cas as well as Apollo, that jerk!!
Tokage is going home to get canon-updated! I will write stuff on this later.
Leto is going home to touch his sister and her husband with joy :) Also settle his affairs at home, make a few galaxies miserable, the fun stuff.
Merlin will go wherever Arthur goes (BEST COPOUT ANSWER)
Kirk is going back to the Enterprise to cling to his shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip and then sex.
Yuri is going home with the Vesperia folks. I do approve of beach party antics!
Everyone else stays here. :P
(if you want to thread stuff out, USE THIS POST)
biggest manwhore of the galaxy