jumping the gun

Apr 26, 2006 07:15

So I had a thought. Scary, I know. This summer has to be better, there has to be a change. I always say tomorrow and next week and next year things will get better or things will be different, and they never are. Life has been pretty shitty lately, I'm not gonna lie. And I knew it had to be that way. I knew things had to hit rock bottom before anything significant could really change. But I think this is one of the first times in my life I'm totally cognacent of the winds changing. I think this is one of the first times I can consciously feel myself on the verge of something completely different. I'd like to apologize to everyone for falling off the face of the earth lately, but it's just how it had to be. It was all I could handle.

Anyways, back to my thought. Remember in grade school those lame essays you had to write each September about what you did that summer? I decided I would write one, only I'd write it before the summer happened. It's kinda like when you write your own obituary to decide what you'd like to accomplish in life.

So I present to you What I Did This Summer:

-spent many late nights around fires with friends
-saw my family in Miami and got my tattoo at Miami Ink, spent mucho time with my Abuela
-volunteered at the local hospital
-successfully found a new house and moved
-visited Anne in Montreal
-visited Dan in DC ((with Pete?? hint hint...))
-got piss ass drunk many nights with friends, had a kick ass time
-celebrated my mom's 50th birthday at the Cape
-spent many an afternoon and crazy night in Manhattan
-had ridiculous Vive fun with Jen
-had a bunch of good times with the old ball n' chain
-went on roadtrips to nowhere with one Miss Rena Fabulous
-had super awesome best-friendy time with PJ
-got my lazy bum to NYSC several times a week
-worked and earned money so I could boast being a semi-productive member of society
-wrote some really strong pieces
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