this used to be a funhouse, but now it's full of evil clowns. <3

Dec 29, 2009 01:00

i'm sleepy, yet i'm posting on here, no icons till later, sorry. my grandparents and grand uncle bill are coming over tomorrow only because my dad invited them down, if he didn't, they wouldn't have shown up at all. lame. well that's what we get for basically being the 'black sheep' of my dads family along with his brother and one of his sisters. so my parents are to the point of not really caring if we have to move when my dad graduates, if the school finds him a job in a different state. if it's texas i might just say lets move there. i hate heat and all but it'd be better then being treated like we aren't even here. sure i'll miss my friends and my sister (if we move while she's still in school and with derrick) but i'm sick of my own grandparents acting like we aren't here. the only grandmother i know seems to not even care. i probably wouldn't like starting over with friends, but i wouldn't chance running into someone i know, because i hate over half of the people i graduated with anyway.  but knowing our luck, they'll find a job here so we'll stay. ugh whatever i'll just keep watching g.i. joe: the rise of cobra. seems to make me happy.

raw, was rather boring, except when i seriously thought legacy was gonna be done and over with. WHY DOES CODY ALWAYS GET MARK HENRY? wtf wwe seriously. at least he fucking won his match, i was dancing in excitment. the ending of raw was just complete shit, JOHN CENA IS THE RIGHTFUL WWE CHAMPION. sheamus sucks ass. :)

some people are really starting to piss me off, they're so fucking fake. i'm honestly sick of it.

x.x kels
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