May 20, 2004 11:22
the day is almost over. i have last period spare, and i could easily take a spare second last, but i think i'd like to go work on my art anyways. i came to school this morning with a bottle of wine, a flask, a pipe (and appropriate smoking materials), and a pack of belmonts in my bag. i'm quite sure i'm ready for a long weekend. i found out my parents aren't leaving until saturday morning which emilinates the possibility of the croquet party. on sunday night i was invited to a housewarming party (should be entertaining)....JOE BASTIEN : kyle told me you were going also so i guess i'll catch up with you chez beantrees sunday night? let me know when you're planning on heading over and i'll meet up with you then.
bree : i will meet up with you on saturday afternoon-ish in st. catharines, and then we'll head back to my place. give me a call whenever you get the chance (9055636849) and we can make arrangements for when and where. love.