Jun 13, 2005 21:38
its been summer for like 3 days and i already have the tan of a beer girl...thats right all of the left of me right up to where my skirt stops. its sexy really be jealous all.
started hanging out with rob again, which is awesome cuz i misssssed him!
my summer class sucks balls. seriously, balls. i got the highest grade on my first test (dont worry im more shocked about it then anyone reading this) and am averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night. in fact as im writing this i have to shower still study for at least an hour and be at work in 8 hours. all i did today besides go to work was eat dinner.
me tom and nat just went to the beach on friday. we all used nats tanning oil. she got brown me and tom got red and we all got bitten by like a thousand mosquitos. oh yeah and tom used an old vodka bottle as a shovel. fun fun.
my sister graduates hs tomorrow. CRAZY! i seriously feel old now. i have class so i dont have to go thank god but im gonna need to buy her a present like asap. any suggestions?
me and nat bought a book of scratch offs for 300 bucks. when we will 5000 dollars and go on some awesome vacation. everyone that keeps calling us crazy will eat their words (or in reality laugh that we lost 300 hehe)
i miss kathy! i still havent met her bf which sucks because i know its important to her, and plus i need to make sure hes good enough for her! grr one day soon damn it i will!
ahh my dad just bought home the grocceries i need to study asap to get out of helping him put everything away. woohoo biochem!