Nothings gonna change my world

Jun 17, 2006 20:59

"Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind,Possessing and caressing me"

Been feeling really out of sorts these past couple of weeks.. Totally not myself at all... At any given time I am subject to burst into tears, angry tantums, or silent moods. I don't know whats going on... Like if I'm out with Christy I'm fine.. or even during the day and I'm playing with Hunter I'm good.. but as soon as people come around I start to feel it wash over me. I love being around people and they dont even have to do anything to me... it just happens... I dont know what is going on. Maybe it's really late post pardom or something? I want it to go away! I want the old happy fun me back.. I am hating this sad and depressed me... SHe not cool!!! Make her leave!!
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