May 20, 2004 11:27
My cousin, Renee, is getting married. Yep, that's right. She desperately wants to move out of her mother's house and in with her boyfriend that she loves and since his family is traditional, she plans on getting married asap. She told me this today, will tell my parents on Sunday and her mother next week sometime. She gets her ring next week too. I'm very happy for her. This guy is really nice and very polite and mannerly. He even wanted to ask her mom's permission but my aunt was being stand-offish. She's currently upset with Renee for a variety of reasons. She plans on getting married in the courthouse and I guess that's the cheaper way to go about it but I'd much rather an actual wedding.
On another note of good news, my parents bought a car and should be picking it up today. Not anything impressive but it will get them where they need to go and its fully automatic (power everything and moon roof and everything) and it was soooo cheap cause its an older model. I'll be driving it to Pensacola on Saturday. We get to go visit relatives that I haven't seen in years which is sad since they live 3 hours away.
I plan on making a better effort to communticate with and meet the relatives that I don't know very well. We'll see how that goes.
I'm in my DIS right now. I'm having a relaxing summer so far. I started communicating with a long time friend from Jamaica who lives in Texas currently. The last time he saw me was when I was 16 and innocent and he wants to see me to see how much I've changed. It wouldd be fun to go over there but I'd just be concerned about expectations that he might have that I'm not willing to comply with. The problem is, while I flirt with him on the phone, I have no intention of having any kind of sexual relations with him. What I want is a stable person to be nice to me and take me places and buy me flowers and like my family. I guess its kinda good that I don't have that right now though, so I can focus on getting done with school. Wouldn't it be lovely, though, what I wanted fell into my lap when I graduated :-) Well I can dream ;-) :-p