Application for entranceway

Sep 21, 2011 20:50

Name: Seme
LJ: forgottencg
IM: Lil Akureineko

Character Name: Vivi Orunitia
Series: Final Fantasy IX
Timeline: Post Village of Dali Escape, Disc 1
Canon Resource Link: I want to be your crow

Vivi was a manufactured "prototype" of a black mage and was found by his "Grandpa" Quan while he was attempting to fish for food in the Mist that engulfed the continent. Despite the Qu intended to eat the black mage when it grew big enough, Vivi lived happily with his "Grandpa" outside the City of Treno until he died. The shy Black Mage never knew Quan's true intentions that were hidden around his life lessons.

He came upon Alexandria with intentions to attend an infamous play at Alexandria Castle called "I Want To Be Your Canary" but was dismayed when he found out that the ticket he was sold was a fraud. He soon met Puck, a rat child that was going to make sure he saw the play whether he had a ticket or not, and invited the mage to accompany him... only if he did exactly what he was told to do.

Hesitantly, Vivi agreed and quickly was reminded of his fear of heights as he tried to follow Puck across the rooftops. Shortly thereafter, he was able to see "I Want To Be Your Canary" before all chaos broke loose from the infamous band of thieves from Lindblum, known as Tantalus, attempted to steal away the princess of Alexandria. Becoming entangled in the chaos that erupted at the castle, Vivi ended up crashing into Evil Forest aboard the Prima Vista. He was extremely hesitant about using his magic to help rescue the kidnapped Princess in the forest but was eventually coaxed into helping out despite his fear of his magic.

Later in, he stayed with Zidane, Garnet and Steiner and found the Border Village of Dali where, much to Vivi's horror and confusion, Black Mages were being fabricated from the Mist underneath the seemingly quiet village. At that point he started to strongly question his existence, asking if he was the same as the silent and unresponsive Black Mages. As much as Zidane tried to convince him that he wasn't, Vivi couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was made the exactly same way and was just like them.

Note: Vivi isn't aware of the history below due to his canon point.

He traveled to many places he'd never been before with the party, slowly opening up to them bit by bit, but the discovery of Black Mage Village made one of the biggest impacts on him. As far as he knew, other than the silent Black Mages being used for war on the Mist Continent, Vivi was taken aback to discover that there were others that walked, talked and thought on their own; even trekking across to another continent to live in isolation. His surprise changed to excitement but that was so short-lived when he spoke with Mr. 288, who didn't run away at the sight of him being accompanied with humans, and he was told of his terrible fate: the limited life span of all black mages.

Even worse, not too long after, he discovered that Kuja, the man behind the state of war with the great nations, cared nothing for the well being of the Black Mages. He wanted powerful foot soldiers that would respond to orders, no matter the price of their lives, and he even went low enough to convince the mages in the village that he could lengthen their life spans if they followed him. Vivi was furious that he had lied to them and treated the Black Mages like dirt. He was determined to make Kuja pay for his cruelty and grew to hate him.

After chasing Kuja across the continents and even to the Genome home world called Terra, Kuja was eventually brought down at the Iifa tree. Within the dying moments of the ancient tree, Zidane remained behind to save Kuja as bid the rest of the party, including Vivi, to go on without him.

In the end, no one knew if Vivi stopped or not...

Abilities/Special Powers:
Vivi is highly skilled the art of black magic for his age. In the beginning, he was afraid to use his magic abilities to help Zidane rescue Princess Garnet in the Evil Forest but with some encouragement from the Genome and the Captain of the Knights of Pluto, Steiner, he agreed to help. As he slowly learned more of the world, his power continued to grow and was likely the most powerful Black Mage ever created.


Quan - Even though the Qu looked nothing like the Black Mage, he was seen as a grandfatherly figure as he cared for the young mage. Vivi remembers Quan always worrying that the young mage wasn't growing properly--possibly with the mind frame that if he ate the mage, he would be hungry shortly afterwards. Thankfully, Vivi was unaware that the Qu had intended to eat him after fishing him out from the Mist...

Zidane - He saw Zidane as a big-brother figure and learns much in his time with him. He was gently pried out of his shy shell by the Genome and was taught many things--even "going under the stars". Zidane seemed to have a laid back attitude about almost everything and didn't seem to hesitate about every obstacle that stood in his way. He wanted to be as brave as Zidane.

Black Waltzes - Though Vivi never encountered Black Waltz No. 1, and a brief confrontation with Black Waltz No. 2, Vivi experienced raging hatred as Black Waltz No. 3 lay waste to the Black Mages that attempted to protect him on the Cargo Ship heading towards Lindblum. He had angrily questioned the Black Waltz of why he had killed the Black Mages that were his friends and he was shocked when his question was answered with a harsh cackle. The Waltz had no regret blasting the mages over the edge of the Cargo Ship with a thunder spell, telling Vivi that the mages were nothing but mindless soldiers and they amounted to nothing.

Kuja - (Hasn't met in canon yet) Vivi learned quite quickly that he didn't like Kuja, as the other had used the manufactured Black Mages are soldiers and made them destroy and kill all that opposed him. At first he was horrified at the thought then he was angered, even more so when Kuja lied to the black mages in Black Mage Village that he could extend their short life-span if they followed him. He hated Kuja for toying with their lives like they were nothing but dolls.

Third-Person Sample:
Vivi looked up at the tall wall of vegetation in front of him. Somehow he managed to... take a wrong turn and he somehow ended up in a corridor of hedges. He could see the ground and the sky but no matter what he did he could not find his way out. Confused and worried, he crouched down, looking at the ground in thought. He couldn't go over; the top of the hedge was way too far above his reach. It didn't look like there was a way to climb under the hedges either; the edges were strangely neat and close to the ground.

Briefly the Black Mage looked at his gloved hands then at the wall of green. He couldn't. It would be too dangerous to cast a fire spell onto something that could trap him in walls of fire. He did know water spells but the fire could spread faster than he could put out the flames. He shook his head and stood up.

He wouldn't use his magic. Too dangerous even if Zidane had told him he was powerful.

Looking around at his surroundings again, Vivi took to walking instead and hoping to find a break in the corridors he was trapped in. As time passed he got more disheartened, thinking that there would be a way out around the next bend and coming across either dead ends or more corridors. He crouched down again, tired and footsore, once again looking at the leafy walls. Maybe if he concentrated really hard and used only a bit of magic he could slowly make a way out for himself instead of blasting the greenery with fire. Hesitantly holding out his gloved hands, not daring to use his staff to amplify his abilities, he carefully concentrated to create a small ball of fire before bringing it closer to the wall.

He felt a little bad burning the green leaves but he couldn't find a way out no matter how hard he tried. He hoped these plants didn't belong to anyone... he'd have to apologize to them if he came across someone. ... Though if he thought about it he hadn't seen one person since somehow walking into the giant maze--

The leaves in front of him suddenly roared into flames, startling the Black Mage to fall back onto his rear and look up with wide eyes in mounting horror. He messed up. He was going to be trapped by walls of flames with no way out and--

The plants seemed to come alive in front of his eyes, somehow extinguishing the flames in a flash, restoring the burning foliage and looking like no harm had come to it.


...Did... Did the hedge just heal itself?

First-Person Sample:
I hope Mister Blank is okay... I know Zidane said we would come back for him b-but he must feel alone. He said Mister Blank was p-petrified.

Being petrified sounds a-a little scary but it seems lonely too... but he won't be able t-to move, or talk, or do anything. ...Is he awake or is he s-sleeping? Will he g-get hungry?

Zidane doesn't seem to w-worried and he says he knows Mister B-Blank will be okay... but I think he's worried for him t-too. Maybe we'll find some help f-for Mister Blank in Lindblum and cure him...

application, ooc

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