Sep 29, 2008 08:27
1. Just got back from a nice time in Sault Ste. Marie. Darren was sicky so we didn't do too much, but there were many hot tubs, and glasses of wine, and times with the glorious Tiffany. Glorious times. Also, last night in town with Tiffy, Katie-Bejeanie, and her brother and his gang of miscreants (just kidding you guys are great) was a definite high light. Its fascinating to see the dramatic social power shifts that can occur in a mere 10 odd years.
2. I caught the highly infectious bug that felled both Daddykins and Darry-Beary. My half-marathon, that I have been looking forward to for months, is in six days. This annoys me more than I would care to admit. I have been training my wee arse off to finish in under 2 hours and 15 mins, and more than that I just want to have a fun, effortless, glorious run. I will convince you of the extent of my excitement by telling you that recently I have had two dreams on separate occasions where I simply run at gloriously high speeds through unfamiliar towns and boroughs, feeling fabulous.
3. I don't know if I should keep running this week in preparation, or if I should rest?
4. As I was sprinting my little heart out on the banks of the mighty St. Mary's River I found myself reaching new found peaks of corporeal ecstasy ("runner's high?"), and I realized that running without sprinting is like having sex without getting off. It can still be a lot of fun, but mostly you just get sweaty and tired without any real feeling of resolution.
5. We arrived back in Ottawa to find a letter from the Public Service addressed to me. I was immediately convinced this was a "you are no longer in the competition" letter. But I guess no news is still good news because all it contained were the official results of my first test (English writing). I scored 90 out of a possible 92. I'm pleased with this.
6. No word from the committee yet on my thesis. This is also good. Now that I've forked over the 1100$ for part time tuition I'm not in any huge rush, and I am enjoying the break. Hopefully dear Lorna and Joel don't find too many grueling edits for me to perform before I can submit it officially and finally defend the damn thing.
7. I turn 27 on October 11th. I know this is Thanksgiving weekend but I'm hoping people would be interested in going out for drinks after dinner on that Saturday evening? We could go dancing? Dar and I are planning on having a house warming party sometime this month but it will probs be later on. Also, I was batting around the idea of going to Le Nordique again on my birth DAY for some girly-time-spa-fun. Any takers? I bet we would need reservations but I could take care of that. I know its kind of pricey and I would pay for one and all but I'm truly piss poor and subsisting on Darren's grand sense of communatarianism where finances are concerned. God Bless Him.
8. I've stopped taking hormonal birth control. This decision involved a lot of anxiety as the last time I took a hiatus I developed TERRIBLE, PAINFUL acne. I've introduced a much more involved face washing ritual to my routine and I'm hoping that this coupled with my advancing age will prevent a similar occurrence. Cross your fingers. Haven't noticed any major changes yet but its only been a week and three days.