Dec 30, 2004 19:47
Lately these past few days have been amazing! So I find out on Monday night that my friend Matt and his brother Ryan are coming in from Hawaii and are going to stay at my dad's house. I was so excited because I got to know Matt well on the trip to Lake Tahoe with my dad and his girlfriend and her kids. Matt I love you bra! On the LAke Tahoe trip Matt fell off the river boat aahaha! So they come in Monday night and I meet Matt's brother, Ryan! He is adorable and such a sweet guy. Ryan works at Abercrombie ooo la la and Matt works at Hollister. So from that night on we all bonded and I feel like I have known them for ever. We shared such great times. Here is a reflection on the days we spent together: We stayed up every night till like 4 in the morning, the five finger game, Ryan and Scott "attacking" me, Ryan becoming an honary jew, Matt getting buzzed, Ryan telling me to not talk STINK, ryan looking good in my cute glasses, haley me and steph laying on the bed with matt, ryan, and scott... giving tips to matt, ryan, and matt about how to get into a girl's pants.. Me saying bye girls as ryan closed the door on them, playing ping pong, the strip show, matt saying the only constant is change, me listening to don't worry, be happy over and over again, when we all went to the human body exhibit and everyone saying look rachel there are tons of penises,me saying when i get happy I get excited and when I get excited I get HORNY, when we all went to the movies together and saw MEET the Fockers, taking pictures, and drawing henna tattoos.. ryan putting the henna tatto in his ear ahaha! Ryan and Matt left this morning and me and Haley gave them such big hugs. I can't stop thinking about the AMAZing times we all spent together and I'm soo sad they left. Today me and Haley went to lunch nd we say two people wearing matt's adorable quiksilver hat.. aww I am still thinking about them. Now my dad's house is so quiet... I feel lost and I don't know what to do without them! When Matt and Ryan were here I was so happy and it was soo loud and exciting! Me and Haley want to go in the summer to Hawaii and visit them. Matt and Ryan I feel like I have known you boys forever, and I have such a close friendship with both of you. I love you and come back soon so we can spend more Funtastic times together!! <33