Aug 17, 2005 15:18
The Basics
Name::cant tell you that !! but my nick name is krick !!
Age::12 about to be 13
Location:: louisiana
10+ Bands:: godsmak , lacuna coil evenecences , good charlote , and more goth music
Movies:: a lot of horror movies !!
Food:: vegies
Sugar & Spice Character:: humm buttercup !!
S&S Quote:: i love goth ! and some rap !
Hilary Duff::no !!
Good Charlotte:: yes
Death Penalty:: NO never done nothing bad all im an honest preson!!!
“Punk/Goth”:: yes!!!
Cheerleaders:: yes im a cheerleader myself!
Robbing a Bank::
Make us Laugh!::
100x100 pic for the userinfo::
3+ Pictures