(no subject)

May 17, 2005 20:39

(ThEsE TwO PiCtUrEs WeRe StOlEn FrOm LyDiA...ThAnKz)

First of all.... Jeannette says i never talk about her in this journal... well i love you jt and i had fun with you today screaming at the lacrosse team. You are so cute BUT if you paint my car again ill kill you....

As you all can see I have a new background. All credit goes to katie rosenthal who "slaved over this for hours"... "Choirugh"...AND DONT PAINT MY CAR AGAIN KT!

I started my internship today. It was so much fun. I had 1st graders who acted like they were in highschool... They kept complimenting me on my outfit... i didnt know little kids knew what that was... anyways the rest of this week will be interesting...

Boys Lax won there game today... 3rd in the state. They are amazing. Its sad the season is coming to an end.... They advance to the 2nd round of the tournament and play highland on thursday. everyone come to the game!!

TRACK IS OVER!!!!!. :-D thats all i have to say

Saw Kicking and Screaming last night. It was really cute and funny. Will Farell is amazing

My parents come home tomrrow. GREAT!?

One Tree Hill is New Tonight. Its gonna be so good....

xoxoxo LD

P.S. If you want to mess up your life go ahead. I've tried so hard... come to me when you actually truely want my advice..
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