she's baaaaackk!

Oct 17, 2004 13:54

wowwwwwww. it's been like a week or something or another. but i have a good reason for this.

in english class on monday, we had 2 begin 2 "simplifiy our lives" for 5 days. i gave up unnecessary technology...the internet, cell as soon as i got home monday i uninstalled aim, unplugged my tv, n turned off my cell fone in hopes that any important calls would call the house. yea. it was straight. i mean, i realized HOW much of my time is occupied by those unnecessary items..i got sleep!!!!!!!!!! wow. haha. that was something i definitely missed since becoming a junior..

soccer's been goin awesome. i's fun, but still a challenge ya this new coach Toni..seems like he kinda knows wut he's it'll be a gr8 c-zin.. yay..can't wait 4 that.

ugh. somebody jacked a hubcap r just DUMB sometimes..i pray 4 the loser that did it..

took the psat yesterday n i was a lot more confident going into it than i was coming out. i guess we'll just have 2 c how i did..but i don't think i did well..

i can't think of nething else 2 say right now..even tho a LOT has been hapnin in my lifeeee since the last update..n whoa..when i say a LOT i DO mean a LOT! wuteverrrr i'll update when i can think of it..

i love my lil beasttttt (hahaaa MLB!)

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