it's a/b time isn't it?!

Sep 09, 2004 00:52

WOW. it's been like FOREVER since i updated this beast..well for me @ least..cuz i was gettin n the habit of doin it everyday. but newayz..i'm chilling..dyeing my shoelaces garnet (i kno i'm a loser) while their chillin in the microwave in the dye..i decided i'd update. i told myself that i'd be sleeping by 2 tonight..but from the looks of things..that's only a dream..maybe by 3..n that way i'll get like 3 hours of sleep. o well.

ummm..this weekend was grand...down in ole orange beach..well..not down really east..but there i go again off on my yea. i got 2 spend a lot of quality time with some ppl that i never really hung out with that was kool. n i learned that me and catrina have 1000000 times more stuff in common than we thought. sharin a room wit her n spendin so much time wit her rocked. umm..i did sum stuff that i regret now..but can't go back n change so i'll just learn from it.

and yes..i still like michael. asked him 2 homecomin (since he duzent go 2 my school n all..yes i haddah ask him..even though i'm the chick)..*sigh* he said yes n that's just grand.

*beep beep beep* my shoelaces are finished.

so i hafta go n string em back n my gray shoes..n then decide wut else i'mma put on for garnet n gray day 2morrow..

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