My Movie Updates

Nov 12, 2002 22:26

I wasn't expecting much out of Eminem's new movie 8 Mile but it really surprised me. It was so good that I saw it four times this weekend, yes a little excessive I know. I thought Eminem did such a good job of acting and the rap battles in it were really awesome!! I want to go see it again but I think that I will wait a few days so that I don't feel like a total dork. Oh and speaking of acting like a dork, I made a complete fool of myself tonight. I went to see The Ring tonight. I'm not very good at watching scary movies, I have no problem admiting that I am a complete baby when watching them. I felt like I was very brave watching the Ring (all by myself) and I came back to the dorm bragging that I didn't even shut my eyes once. Right after I told all of my friends that I didn't even find the movie to be all that scary, the power went out in the whole building. I started freaking out! I curled up into a little ball and was screaming and crying. All these scary images from the movie were coming back to me. I think my friends thought I was totally insane!!! Ha, that's the last time I try to act all brave when seeing a scary movie. Next time I will feel free to cover my eyes when ever I want to.
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