Last night I heard what I'm fairly certain was the trashiest statement ever uttered since the invention of the English language: "If you weren't pregnant, I'd beat your ass." I was using my headset while playing
Resistance: Fall of Man (in an effort to remind myself why I don't use my headset while playing Resistance: Fall of Man), and one of the players who was arguing with his girlfriend (apparently he was not willing to stop playing video games to work out whatever issue it was) uttered the aforementioned statement. Maybe it would be best for everyone if they took their baby down to
Baby Trade.
People discussing their personal business on a video game voice chat isn't a new phenomena - apparently the guise of anonymity makes people comfortable to air their personal business to random Internet people. The problem is simple. The last generation was raised by television, but this generation of adolescents is being raised by the Internet. If R:FoM and any gaming-related Internet message board are any indicators, an entire generation of teens and pre-teens are learning that society is cool with you being a prick for no reason - simply because that's the rule of the Internet. I propose a simple solution: parents, if you're capable of parenting, treat the Internet as you would an R rated movie; don't let your kids in without the accompanyment of a parent or guardian. It'll be better for all of us, both your kids, and the mature citizens of the Internet who don't want to be hassled by your undisciplined pricks.