Dec 22, 2010 07:31
The kits are home.
It might be triple the attention but Grace cant do her morning binky on the sofa as there is a body on it.
I cant get into the spare bedroom as there is a body in it that has cables and electronic goods and chargers and wires all over the floor, so I have been locked out.
They say Grace puts hair on the bed cover, so she has been locked out.
We cant get to the christmas tree as it has been put up on a table and the enticing lights and resultant wires have been put on the ceiling....thats strange.
I cant get to my hiding place under the shoe rack as MY SPACE has been filled with enormous size 13 trainers and walking boots that I find hard to nudge off the rack.
They have nice traily laces that I get shouted at to leave alone.
They ate MY spinach.
They have phones that go off all the time with ringtones that make Grace thump.
They leave bags and backpacks and shoes all over the place when they come in, then get cross if we have just the teeniest tiniest little nibble.
This is a bunny zone.
Time they knew that.