Любовь к сексу

Oct 31, 2008 18:52

Статья о порно, с которой я во многом согласен. Хотя статья явно полемическая, и там есть утверждения, которые, на мой взгляд, слишком категоричны. Но вот под этим я готов подписаться:

In the overwhelming majority of pornographic sex, including the extreme gonzo scenes Jensen describes, the women come to enjoy it. If they aren't, themselves, actively, insisting on it, they eventually appear to get aroused. In other words, they're invariably depicted as enjoying their so-called degradation. Everyone is turned on. Everyone. Based on my own clinical experience and on a review of the research, if the actresses were to respond on film realistically -- say, by screaming in pain, sobbing, dissociating into grim and vacant fugue states -- the overwhelming majority of men would get turned off, lose their erections, and change the channel. The male viewer does not, in fact, want these women to be demeaned and hurt; unconsciously, he wants them to be happy.

In porn, everybody is turned on and, therefore, everybody is happy. Sexual arousal is what we call a "marker," an unconscious symbol, of the fact that the women are not hurt. It reassures the male viewer he can temporarily escape from the worry and guilt about women that typically haunts him and chills his libido. Such worry and guilt are not -- as Jensen would have it -- a sign of his loving humanity, but his neurotic feelings of obligation...

Men primarily want women to be happy, not degraded, but feel that somehow they're supposed to be omnipotently responsible for making this happen. This isn't healthy interdependence and responsibility, but an irrational burden generated in nuclear families and patriarchal culture. It lies at the heart of much of the hostility and emotional withdrawal from which women suffer in their dealings with men.

Впрочем, для меня как для кинокритика в порно интереснее не мысли, охватывающие зрителя, а сама концепция изображения счастья на экране через безудержный секс.

психология, секс, полезно, порно

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