May 27, 2006 20:05
so, i've decided. with the lack of time consuming tasks (like... school), i'm probably going to update this biznatch more often. i end school on tuesday, then i'm done and away from for a few months. so that makes me quite happy.
these last few weeks have really shown me who my true friends are and what makes them true friends. i'm grateful for all of them.
i've fallen in love twice this weekend, its amazing. one with Freddy from My Fair Lady (romantic yet unrealistic, for what kind of man in their right mind would sing about Mission St. being romantic at late hours of the evening?), and the re-falling for John Mayer (saw his myspace today. just one word: hair.) as you can probably tell, i haven't seen Brendan for a long time (well, long in context of our relationship), so i'm starting to latch onto various romantic characters and past loves and getting ridiculously love-sappy. (and it doesn't help that my cousin has Harrison Ford on the tv right now. curses.) i can't wait till i see him again.
i'm at the apex of this parabola of life. plunging into adult-hood. i'm quite disgusted with myself. were has my childhood gone, damnit?? i have a job, starting to pay for insurance, just had prom (PROM! like, the one highlight of life in every teenage movie.), i have my license (WHAT?!?) and i'm applying to college. wtf?
have you ever had those moments where you're doing something and you just totally lose all conciousness, and are just washed over by a wave of calm? like standing under a stream of hot water in the shower. you've finished your business and yet... the world just seems to have stopped for that one moment. nothing matters. everything is just right, just relaxed. if i wouldn't get so wrinkly, i'd be in the shower a lot longer than necessary.
i had more thoughtful, insightful things to say. but alas, things happen.
♥ liz
p.s. - Harrison Ford for President.
that is all.