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Yay! I look forward to autumn, my most favorite time of the year! Finally, my favorite colors (green, brown, beige, and sometimes orange) are going to appear according to nature. I also love the concept of how autumn is a time for contemplation. It gets quieter as the weather becomes cooler. I get really happy, except if it is still really hot. Also, this is the year I will be applying to go to another school. I want to move on from the one I am currently attending so I can move to another town and out of my parents' house. I miss having my independence and have been waiting almost three long years to gain it back, but I do not look forward to looking for full-time work because I prefer to work part-time. Why? I have more freedom to engage in activities that make me happy like loafing around and taking photos of my toys. Yes, I am still doing that kinda stuff.