The Most Dangerous Driving Song

Mar 27, 2010 08:10

Originally published at Oh So Boring.... You can comment here or there.

Sometimes, you’re driving along on the highway, a great song comes on, and you just can’t help but sing along. Nothing wrong with that. But recently I discovered there was one song that compels you to do more than just sing along. What song?

Hall and Oates. “Private Eyes”

Why? Find out below the cut…

So, why is “Private Eyes” so dangerous? First have a listen…

image Click to view

Now, when they got to the chorus singing:

Private Eyes

They’re watching you

They see your every move

you tell me, when you were singing along (and you were, admit it), did you sing that or did you sing:

Private Eyes *CLAP*

They’re watching you *CLAP CLAP*

They see your every move

Yep. You clapped. Now, think about driving along the Capital Beltway at the speed limit (never more!) and that chorus comes along. It’s impossible not to clap!


private eyes, clapping, dangerous music, boring, music, driving, hall and oates, random thing

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