Feb 02, 2003 14:46
Lauren, Nicole, and I at last tackled the unruliness of our filthy bathroom a few nights ago. I scrubbed the bathtub for 40 minutes only to find one of the most disturbing accounts of my bathroom history: a black MUSHROOM. Yes, what you read is true. I found a mushroom growing on one of the shelves in the bathtub. I have been showering with fungus for who knows how long. Actually, I found lots of blue paint as well, which dates back to the Georgia game so it's been that long atleast! Eeew, I am not going to avoid cleaning my bathroom for that long of a time period anymore. Although the experience of cleaning it and the linger of bleach for days was, uh, interesting? the result is completely rewarding. I for once actually feel clean when I step out of the bathtub.
Happy 21st Birthday, Red Brad! Enjoyed the party friday night, although I woke up in quite a state of confusion saturday morning. I have scratches all over my left side and wrists (those pinecones are killer), a lingering taste of Cool Ranch Doritos, and a completed role of film filled with unknown pictures. Scary.