Sep 04, 2009 17:35
I'm really in love with Janet Jackson's "Rock With U," and the video is AMAZING!
Anyway, it's been a while since I've actually written an entry on LiveJournal. I've been writing these weird "free write" type stuff on my phone and posting them on MySpace, but it's been a while since I've typed one out on the computer.
So summer is pretty much over. After a long 2 months working at a summer camp, I was lucky enough to get 3 weeks off before I start my normal job (this Tuesday). Having this time off was a mixed blessing. While some downtime is nice, boredom eventually kicked in. I also noticed a slight drop in my physical activity (especially last week!) And of course, it sucks not to be working because that means no money.
The last couple of days, I was also starting to become a little negative again. I question my sanity. The littlest of things sometimes upsets me. I assume the worst, and I become inhibited. I guess, that just goes with being cooped up around the house for too long.
But this entry is supposed to be a pick me up: something to help boost my own positivity. I'm fortunate to have some great friends in my life and at my job. I'm also lucky enough to have met someone pretty great, but I also realize I still have my guard up a little. Part of it probably has to do with the fact I'm still jaded from my previous relationship...and I shouldn't let the past affect me. Everything's been so different (for the better) but I guess I can't help but look back. That'll fade eventually, I can feel it.
And I mean this is without any sense of spite of bitterness. People sometimes just aren't the right the fit...
Anyway, it's Friday and I'm pumped about my plans for the weekend! W00t W00t!