Saw ALFIE tonight. Jude Law, you can do me from behind anytime ;o]
Good flick too. Might be another to add to the List-O-Favourites.
So The Bled is SOLD OUT but Danno and i are still gonna go knowing full well there will be scalpers galore at the Electric Factory. We`re so clever :o]
Shannyn Sossamon done fucked up.
Bleached her gorgeouse brown hair. Its so unflattering. Im a little upset by it. Sometimes i wonder, if all the beautiful people in the world just get tired of being so fucken attractive that they go outta their way to make themselves a little [or a lot] less attractive.
I never expected this from Miss Sossamon. Kills me.
I wanna fall in love.
...but sadly i know that will never happen.