Feb 10, 2008 22:24
point form else i tend to ramble :)
-got up 8:30 saturday
-had breakfast
-went to mall - hubby had breakfast with kid, i wandered the mall, had a 10 minute shiatsu massage, went to the BAY and actuallly (wait for it.....) found a pair of skinny jeans with high waist! and i had to drop a size to fit into them. (yes, drop). I actually might go buy a smaller size again this week if i can find a BAY that carries a size 6. yes... 6. (all the other jeans that are low rise are like...12 and i still cant get my ass into them! heh)
-did some grocery shopping, came home
-did a load of laundry
-changed teh sheets on the bed and put away clean laundry from last week still in the basket
-had a nap from 1-2:30
-had a bath
-hubby went to the boat show at 3:30, i downloaded the pics of my last photoshoot with the band (KJB Agents) and proofed and cropped
-went to value village at 5pm and found a longish black sweater (have to wear black to do concert photoshoots so i 'disappear' in the dark)
-went for sushi
-came home, finished the photos and burned onto a cd
-mr b came home
-left at 8:30 and went to a club where KJB Agents did a half hour concert (wearing my new skinny jeans and black sweater) and took about 40 pics of them in concert to practice with those lighting conditions. met the entire family! mom, dad, grandma, aunts, uncle, friends. it was great mom and dad introduced me as 'the photographer'. gave me a $50 gift certificate for a local restaurant too!
-home by 10, bed.
-slept in till nearly 9
-up, breakfast, bath
-last load of laundry washed, load from yesterday put away
-back to mall for mr b's coffee and veggie market
-put away groceries, which means prepping things like cutting radishes off leaves, doing celery so its washed and cut and put in a container, washing baby carrots, doing lettuce heads etc.
-made apple/veggie juice for me and hubby
-did dishes from last night
-vaccumed living room rug, moved rug, moved both couches, and vaccumed all lfloors and corners etc.. and couch too (dog hair)
-redid all the wires on hubby's computer and tied them togethre to make them tidier. moved his tower from the right side of his desk to the left (makes pluggign things in easier and he's a leftie). Had to feed a new wire from up here to downstairs. my internet down there gave up the ghost last week, so i thought i damaged the cable. (all this took me about 2 hrs)
-made my signature grilled cheese sandwhiches for llunch
-vaccumed the entire basement (except laundry room)
-had a computer tech over who got me back on line (needed a new network card)
-put away last load of laundry
-cooked dinner
-made a lunch for tomorrow
-sat and surfed as i'm now brain dead :)
i cant believe how much i got accomplished this weekend... partly due to no internet downstairs so i got stuff done, but parltly cause i had a plan and a list and stuck to it. i have to go back to lists! we'll see how much i can carry this over to my working life tomorrow :)))