Jan 18, 2006 13:04
soo its been forever since i've written this thingy so here's the newest news about me
my new years sucked balls so the next weekend i went out with some of my girlfriends and we rented a hotel room, who had the cutest desk clerk ever so we come back and some creepy guy followed our taxi to our hotel room sooo creepy !!!!!!!!!!! anyways yeah so we walked in and the creepy man told the guy he was with us and i was like what!!@!#@#!@##@$ so yeah i said hey guys im gonna talk for a bit i'll be right up (pretending i knew the guy)so i preceeded hey hows it going hows school and so on and so on and he played along as soon as the guy was out of sight i was like um yeah no that guy deffinatly is not with us he followed us home from the bar, and so he said no worries i can be a prick so he went and kicked the guy out......we'l it turns out we know so many of the same ppl and share the same friends we eneded up talking for like 7 hours and yeah were dating now its pretty cool....besides that bands good, im eating corn and soup for some strange reason well lotsa love